Thursday, September 13, 2007

Exponential Functions and Natural Logarithms

R- hmm can't be sure if I am in complete awe yet. My partner, Katie and I, have spent some more time working with R and its a fun program, but very picky about how many parenthesis are necessary in a command. We are also having issues with adjusting limits on our window. But more on that later since we are not done with the lab as of yet.

The most difficult part about this section was from 1.6. There are a lot of properties of the e that can be used to solve word problems, but its actually difficult to remember that the actions are valid ways to solve a problem. Kind of like a tool in a toolbox that you didn't know you had. I was working through problem # 41 about when there would be 1 vehicle per person and in order to solve it i had to bring down the exponent. I eventually solved it, but i had to figure out which property was going to help me get to the next step. Turned out that it was ln (A^p)= p ln A.

I think for the class as a whole the most difficult thing would be setting up the word problems. First, you need to figure out what the question is, then how to solve it. A lot of times there are hints to whether or not you are looking into an exponetial growth or decay problem. Most times in was a percentage of growth where in the function it would be used as (1.00+ x%) or if it were decay in would appear as (1.00- x%). once you figured out the rate of change, you had to remember the base was to be when time=0 or the initial quantity. So i geuss its best to just disect the problem until you have found all the pieces to put into the function.

more on feeling about R later...

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