Saturday, September 22, 2007

Periodic Function

So I was a bit thrown of when the pages of 28 -32 did not correspond to periodic functions. so I stuck with reading section 1.10.

Essentially periodic functions have values that repeat and consistent intervals, and its really cool how there are loads of real life examples of periodic functions such as music or blood pressure.

The Most confusing or difficult part of a periodic function that I found was which mode to be in; radians or degrees. The book says to assume work in radians, but what is a radian??? I know degrees is 360 in a full circle, but where does radians come into play again? I think i knew the where and why once upon a time but its hard to use something you don't quite understand.

I think the most difficult part of periodic functions will be coming up with an equation just from looking at the graph. Its not as obvious as say a linear function. There are more pieces of the graph to consider; there are parameters that fluctuate as amplitudes, periods, and shifting occurs.

As for R, the second lab appears to be going better or I should say more smoothly. I think its due to the fact that we've now had exposure to HTML entering.

More to come....

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