Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Who is Lucky?

Well, my name is Lucky Homesombath; and yes, that is my given name. It has grown on me and now I love it.

At the moment I am beginning my sophomore year at Macalester.

I intend on earning my degree in biology with a minor in anthropology.

Applied Calculus would be my first mathematics course at Macalester, however I have taken calculus in high school, but that was over two years ago!

From my mathematical experiences, I would have to say that trigonometry (sine, cosine, etc.) was most challenging.

I asked to add applied calculus, because I like math, but it is also required for my biology major.

From taking calculus, I hope to have a deeper understanding of where calculus applies to biology. In my opinion, calculus is prevalent in physics and chemistry... but i haven't seen too much in biology yet.

As exciting as math is, I am also interested in music (listening, not playing unfortunately), dance, reading, I am very open to trying new activities.

My worst math teacher.... was back during Algebra 2, unless you were going to be his next prodigy he didn't give the time of day to help those who were struggling. As long as your were going to pass into the next class, he wasn't concerned whether or not the material was learned.

My best math teacher... was actually my high school calculus teacher. She was approachable, yet at the same time very professional. She valued our opinions on the topic and took into consideration how the students wanted to learn calculus. We were enjoying and learning. And for some reason I can vividly remember her crazy cackling laughter.

I think I am going to like applied calculus, and I like your laid back approach. and I agree that having the general understanding that mistakes will be made when learning calculus makes it easier to try and try again.

See you in class Friday,

Lucky H

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